- Font Properties
Property | Valid Values | Example | Inherited? |
font-family | [font name or type] | font-family: Verdana, Arial; | Y |
font-style | normal | italic | font-style:italic; | Y |
font-variant | normal | small-caps | font-variant:small-caps; | Y |
font-weight | normal | bold | font-weight:bold; | Y |
font-size | [ xx-large | x-large | large | medium | small | x-small | xx-small ] | [ larger | smaller ] | percentage | length | font-size:12pt; | Y |
font | [ font-style || font-variant || font-weight ] ? font-size [ / line-height ] ? font-family | font: bold 12pt Arial; | Y |
- Color and Background Properties
Property | Valid Values | Example | Inherited? |
color | color | color: red | Y |
background-color | color | transparent | background-color: yellow | N* |
background-image | url | none | background-image: url(house.jpg) | N* |
background-repeat | repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | background-repeat: no-repeat | N* |
background-attachment | scroll | fixed | background-attachment: fixed | N* |
background-position | [ position | length ] | {1,2} | [ top | center | bottom ] || [ left | center | right ] | background-position: top center | N* |
background | transparent | color || url || repeat || scroll || position | background: silver url(house.jpg) repeat-y | N* |
* Starting in CSS2, the properties indicated above are inherited.
- Text Properties
Property | Valid Values | Example | Inherited? |
letter-spacing | normal | length | letter-spacing:5pt | Y |
text-decoration | none | underline | overline | line-through | text-decoration:underline | N |
vertical-align | sub | super | | vertical-align:sub | N |
text-transform | capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | text-transform:lowercase | N |
text-align | left | right | center | justify | text-align:center | N |
text-indent | length | percentage | text-indent:25px | N |
line-height | normal | number | length | percentage | line-height:15pt | N |
- Box Properties
Property | Valid Values | Example | Inherited? |
margin-top | length | percentage | auto | margin-top:5px | N |
margin-right | length | percentage | auto | margin-right:5px | N |
margin-bottom | length | percentage | auto | margin-bottom:1em | N |
margin-left | length | percentage | auto | margin-left:5pt | N |
margin | length | percentage | auto {1,4} | margin: 10px 5px 10px 5px | N |
padding-top | length | percentage | padding-top:10% | N |
padding-right | length | percentage | padding-right:15px | N |
padding-bottom | length | percentage | padding-bottom:1.2em | N |
padding-left | length | percentage | padding-left:10pt; } | N |
padding | length | percentage {1,4} | padding: 10px 10px 10px 15px | N |
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