- Positioning Properties
Property | Valid Values | Example | Applies to | Inherited? |
clip | shape | auto | clip:rect(0px 200px 200px 0px) | all elements | N |
height | length | auto | height:200px | DIV, SPAN and replaced elements | N |
left | length | percentage | auto | left:0px | absolutely and relatively positioned elements | N |
overflow | visible | hidden | scroll | auto | overflow:scroll | all elements | N |
position | absolute| relative | static | position:absolute | all elements | N |
top | length | percentage | auto | top:0px | absolutely and relatively positioned elements | N |
visibility | visible | hidden | inherit | visibility:visible | all elements | N |
width | length | percentage | auto | width:80% | DIV, SPAN and replaced elements | N |
z-index | auto | integer | z-index:-1 | absolutely and relatively positioned elements | N |
- Printing Properties
Property | Valid Values | Example | Inherited? |
page-break-before | auto | always || left | right | page-break-before:always | N |
page-break-after | auto | always || left | right | page-break-before:auto | N |
- Pseudo Classes
Property | Valid Values | Example | Inherited? |
cursor | auto | crosshair | default | hand | move | e-resize | ne-resize | nw-resize | n-resize | se-resize | sw-resize | s-resize | w-resize | text | wait | help | { cursor:hand; } | Y |
active, hover, link, visited | n/a | a:hover { color:red; } | Y |
first-letter, first-line | any font manipulating declaration | p:first-letter{ | N |